In Berlin Tegel we can be reached quickly and easily via the A111 or Berliner Straße. However, sometimes finding parking spaces is not that easy. We have only few parking spaces. It is better to use the car park of the “Hallen am Borsigturm”, which is approx. 200 meters away.
As an environmentally conscious person, do you travel a lot by bike? We have a some parking spaces right in front of the entrance.
The easiest way to get there is by public transportation. Simply use the BVG underground line U6, which e.g. takes from Friedrichstrasse only 18 minutes to the U-Borsigwerke station and is only a 600-meter walk to our entrance. The nearest S-Bahn station is S-Tegel, about 1 km on foot.
embeddeers GmbH
Am Borsigturm 70
13507 Berlin
Location plan as PDF
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Still lost your way?
If there are any problems, please contact us by phone.
telefon: +49 (0) 2000 580 – 0
e-mail: info[at]